With The End In Mind is an ever-changing musical entity based in Olympia, Washington. Seeking to unite disparate musical influences, and to give voice to internal struggles with spirituality, modern civilization, and inevitable societal collapse, a self-titled EP was conceptualized and recorded throughout 2012. Though initially a solitary, introverted endeavor, musical allies were recruited in 2013 to aid in the production of a second EP, “Thresholder.” This release marked a massive improvement in focus and cohesion for theproject, but was never fully realized in a live setting.
From 2013 to 2015, the project performed several times in the form of a crushing metallic drone maelstrom. In early 2016 the first full length release from the project, “Unraveling; Arising” was created, and the current live inception of WTEIM began to form. Finally able to deliver the massive, furious atmosphere of the recorded material, the group made their debut performance on the 2016 Summer Solstice, and embarked on a West Coast tour to share their creation with receptive hearts and minds.
As of early 2018, more inspiration continues to pour through the vessel called With The End In Mind, with new contributors joining and new courses revealed. The inner flame of the project burns brighter than ever before!
Album Description:
Born of grief and uncertainty, born of life-changing experiences in the wilds of Northern California and the Olympic Mountains, born of ever escalating crises and ever escalating resistance, “Unraveling; Arising” is a labor of truest love, a call of urgency, a reverent homage to Life in all its forms. Drawing on a diverse sonic palette, With The End In Mind creates a distinctive sound, rooted to Place. Each movement of the album reveals itself to be interwoven parts of a cohesive whole. Luscious soundscapes build from a whisper, only to be split like straining trees by the thunderous black metal storm. The maelstrom is tempered by the occasional hint of dark folk and classic psychedelia, like echoes of a forgotten time and place. Fury and turmoil seem all-encompassing, yet giveway to deeper understandings of Myth and the eternal cycles of our world.
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I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!