The reservoir of new Swedish Metal bands seems to be endless. Hot on the trails of High Roller recording artists Ambush, Air Raid, Lethal Steel, and so many others, there is ARMORY, a Speed Metal outfit from the lovely city of Gothenburg. Originally formed in the late summer of 2012 (out of the ashes of a band called Resurrector). After two demo tapes and the well-regarded debut album “World Peace … Cosmic War” (issued via High Roller Records in 2016), ARMORY are back with a brand new studio effort.
Conceptionally “The Search” carries on where “World Peace … Cosmic War” has left off. Guitarist Gustav Sundin explains:
“The the title of our first album “World Peace … Cosmic War” referred to our theory that if global peace would ever be attained, the human race would probably soon thereafter direct their aggressive impulses outwards into cosmos. The title of the new album is multi-layered (just like the first one) but mainly refers to what will happen when humanity more actively starts searching for other lifeforms and what consequences that will have. The title also refers to the search for truth in general, and the most important question that springs to mind is of course whether there’s anyone else out there in the universe. And perhaps even more important – will we be able to handle the answer to that question, whatever it might be?”
Lyrically as well as conceptionally “The Search” is quite a demanding album, giving the listener food for thought. The same holds true for the band’s second full-length record on a musical level, again it’s a very guitar-driven and technical album. “It’s not something we consciously strive for, but I think you are right,” agrees Gustav Sundin. “We don’t want to write over-complicated riffs just for the sake of it, but we do like to play as fast as we possibly can (and then a tiny bit faster) so as we learn to play our songs faster and faster, that makes some of the riffs appear to be quite complex.”
If you compare ARMORY to a lot of the current Metal bands from Sweden, they somehow do not sound very “Swedish” at all. ARMORY rather seem to carve their own path, instead of following current trends … ”That could be,” says Gustav Sundin.
“Some people have told us the opposite as well though! Frankly, we don’t care much if people count us as part of some trend or scene or not. As you say, we go our own way and play music that’s fun to play and that we would like to listen to ourselves. If that happens to coincide with what other bands do or not doesn’t really matter. That being said, we are proud to be part of the underground metal scene in general. As long as we stand united and help each other, the underground will survive all trends!”
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!