Avatarium – Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead Review

Ah, Avatarium! I owe you a lot, guys! It was about their alive album “An Evening with Avatarium” my tousandth review. As long as I’m alive and breathing and writing here I will always remember that.

Just the other day I was discussing with a friend that modern Metal music has no more slants of the Blues. That bands have swept away all the Blues influences there were in the past Metal bands. But I was wrong. Here I have Avatarium’s “Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead” to prove me wrong. You don’t agree this is Metal? Well, this isn’t a problem, my dear child of the night. Just enjoy the music.

“Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead” is the band’s sixth studio album. If you want my opinion, this is a very low number if one considers Avatarium started in 2013 with Candlemass’s legend Leif Edling. With this album the band defies its fans with one more shift in their music. “Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead” is an album that could have been recorded in the 1960’s with no shadow of doubt. And it would be a hit, with no shadow of doubt. There is a lot of Blues in it. Jennie-Ann Smith’s passion is absolutely the same as Janis Joplin used to aply to their performance. So is the tragedy. In “My Hair Is on Fire (But I’ll Take Your Hand)” Jennie-Ann afirms she is a goddess. Who am I to contradict her?

By opening track Long Black Waves my dear child of the night might realize there is something different here as the Blues atmosphere take over the scene. M dear child of the night is immeadiately transported to any 1960’s phone booth – why phone booth? Because they were charming. Just that. The only song that reminds the band’s past is “Being With the Dead” with its doomy mood. Even though its modern mooding, the lady’s voice has something of the 1960’s in it. Pay close attention to the keyboards in it and tell me if it doesn’t sound as any Moog? What to say about “Until Forever and Again” guitar phrasing so common in the 1960’s with a guitar lead that reminds a lot Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page’s? This is album is beautiful, but so beautiful, that listening to tittle track “Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead” I was inclined to cry over the beauty of the lyrics and Jennie-Ann Smith’s voice and interpretation. It’s not any album that does this to me. Music does wondrous things to people.

“Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead’s” thematic might be modern, but the album’s soul is in the 1960’s. It’s the tragedy I aforementioned present in all Blues albums. The tragedy Janis Joplin sang so well. Jennie-Ann Smith does the same here. The album showcases a band that isn’t afraid of telling what’s in its heart and soul. Have they abandonned Doom Metal and their Gothic Metal beliefs? I really don’t think so because the album delivers the spirit of them in its lyrics and attitude embellished by beautiful and inspired instrumentals. Moreover, never forget Jennie-Ann Smith’s voice and interpretation. Priceless!

Avatarium “Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead” will be released on January 24th via AFM Records.

Track Listing:

  1. Long Black Waves
  2. I See You Better in the Dark
  3. My Hair Is on Fire (But I’ll Take Your Hand)
  4. Lovers Give a Kingdom to Each Other
  5. Being With the Dead
  6. Until Forever and Again
  7. Notes from Underground
  8. Between You, God, The Devil And The Dead

Watch “Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead” official music video here: