The triumphant “Neon Sunsets” opens “Trouble in Paradise” EP with all the pomp and glory the paradise quoted in the album tittle deserves. I’m really not sure if it was Europe’s “Final Countdown” which was the first triumphant keyboarding intro but it really opened the floodgate to all of the likes. This kind of opening tells almost everything about the album. “Trouble in Paradise” is what it seems. A big red homage to the Hard Rock of the early 1980’s mixed with some AOR. That’s why the all triumph and glory and pomp. Well, the more I hear this kind of music the more I like it even though this year hasn’t had so many of it. There has been so few albums like “Trouble in Paradise” so far with all the Hair Metal influences the album sweats. By the way, although the band doesn’t say a word about the band in its press release, the band that influences it the most is Poison. It’s clear to me by the guitar solos and the mood the band builds here.
Beginning in 2016 as a project by Digby to write some fun heavy metal and hard rock songs and fulfil his need to hear new music in the style of his beloved bands. Taking inspiration from the likes of many Hair Metal bands, the quartet pay homage to previous generations of hard rock while delivering their own distinctive character.
Musicwise, as I said before, I feel that Poison is the greatest influence to Big Red Fire Truck – a very interesting name, if you ask me. Except for the aforementioned intro and grand finale “Hot Summer Nights” which tastes like The Darkness, all other songs have a flair for Poison. From my experience here, I feel that bands seem to be ashamed to open up and say the band is a huge influence. In music there is one thing called intent. Intent is the desire to add some genre features in the music. For instance, the pentatonic scale can be played with the Blue notes, that is, the notes that give them the Blues intent. It’s not Blues, but it sounds as if. That’s exactly what I see here. It’s not Poison, but the intent is to quote the band. Take tittle track “Trouble in Paradise’s” theme for instance. It sounds so much as if Poison have wrote it. Following “Love Bite’s” main guitar riff instantly addresses to “Unskinny Bop” and that’s the fun of it, my dear child of the night. There is nothing to be ashamed!
One more enthusiastic and full of energy album. Big Red Fire Truck with “Trouble in Paradise” just made my friday.
Track Listing:
- Neon Sunsets
- Trouble in Paradise
- Love Bite
- Psychotropic Thunder
- Miami Skies
- Hot Summer Nights
Watch official music video here:
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!