Black House Hill belong to the first team. The band drink profusely on the waters of 1970’s Hard Rock as we can notice by tracks as “Johnnie Walker” – is it any reference to the drink? Nah, I guess not. As it usual with today’s bands, there are always touches and references that seem a bit anachronic, I mean out of context as in the guitar solos and cadence in “Born On The Highway,” which is pretty much 1980’s Hard Rock. But nevermind, it is the seal of the new generation. But don’t get me wrong, “Release the Bullet,” as I told before, belongs to the seventies as seem by the bluesy guitar licks and riffs of title track “Release the Bullet.”
There are two things I’ve always respected about Hard rock bands; one of them is the musical ingenious and capability of their musicians. There are lots of great musicians in Hard Rock bands as though many think what they is simple. Not a clue, my child of the night. The other thing is the high energetic music they play. When you listen to tracks as “Rock’n’roll Dream” I doubt the one who can stand still. Hard Rock is meant to boogie! Two things Black House Hill and “Release the Bullet” that have enough.
Well, if you’re in 1970’s Hard Rock with small touches of the 1980s, “Release the Bullet” is your deal. Boogie at large with no regrets!
Black House Hill “Release the Bullet” was independently released.
Track Listing:
- Born on the Highway
- Release the Bullet
- Rock’n’Roll Dream
- If I Took My Life
- Wings
- Can This Be True
- Johnnie Walker
- Northern Lights
Watch “Johnnie Walker” alive video here:
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!