Conor Brouwers’ Call of Eternity – Call of Eternity Review

The one who listens to the intro track “Whispering Story of Holiness” won’t ever think of “Call of Eternity” as a strong Power Metal album with touches of Old School Heavy Metal and some dashes of Symphonic Metal. In fact, this intro made me remind of the good old days when I was a child and my mother used to listen to the radio all day long. That time the radio wasn’t any kind of democratic media where heavier kinds of music were allowed to be on – Well, I guess it has never been. The music most of the times were cheasy and all kinds of romantic an things related. Ok, it’s not that “Whispering Story of Holiness” is cheasy. It’s only that it made me remind. Only that. By the way, Conor Brouwers’ Call of Eternity – yes, that’s the name of the band – has some prone to epic intros full of melodic tunes.

In many ways “Whispering Story of Holiness” is a surprising album. Because of what I said before and also because the music in here is powerful and strong. The kind of Power Metal that I don’t call predictable. On the other hand, it’s in no way predictable. Just look at the different moods the intro I refered to brings in making a bridge to “Gates of Immortality” and all. As I said before, the band is a combination of Power Metal with some Symphonic Metal features and, sometimes, as in “Land of New Horizons” exactly the way Viper in their 1989’s “Theatre of Fate” era. Many may not know but this Viper’s album was one of the pioneers of Progressive Metal with all the classical music influences and the intricate construction of the songs under a Helloween wrapping. Tittle track “Call of Eternity” tells this story with flying colors. All the orchetrastions and the Power Metal wrapping with strong melodic guitars.

We have here an album that is coherent with the band’s intent. Sharp melodic parts with beautiful arrangements mixed with strong guitars and high acid harsh that sometimes is also pitched vocals. From where I’m standing one of the best Power Metal bands I’ve heard this year. The combination Conor Brouwers’ Call of Eternity do here is a killer. Very, but very worth it. The album features names as Helloween’s Roland Grapow or Tim ‘Ripper’ Owens which os always a good tip for the quality level.

Conor Brouwers’ Call of Eternity “Call of Eternity” was independently released on August 11th.

Track Listing:

  1.  Whispering Story of Holiness
  2. Gates of Immortality
  3. Wings of History
  4. Days of Fallen Glory
  5. In the Deepest Part of Blackness
  6. The Cold Destiny of Tears
  7. Glorious Days
  8. The Legend of the Warrior
  9. Land of New Horizons
  10. Call of Eternity

Watch “Call of Eternity” official video here: