ENSLAVED Premieres ‘Ruun II – The Epitaph’ Music Video

Enslaved 2019
Photo credit: Roy Bjørge

To celebrate release of new EP, Caravans to the Outer Worlds, ENSLAVED has released a new music video for song “Ruun II – The Epitaph.”

“Releasing an EP is a huge privilege, it really is. It is somehow reliving to go on a stroll away from the the album format, and take some leaps into obscurity in between two full lengths. There’s so many great and experimental EP’s in music history; Magical Mystery Tour, Garage Days Revisited, Deathcrush, The Golden Years… just to mention a very few. We hope Caravans To The Outer Worlds, our third EP in 30 years, can fascinate and inspire,” comments Grutle Kjellson.

Ivar Bjørnson adds: “This EP is an expression of the vital state Enslaved is in — the idea to create a transitory release between Utgard and what is to come next logically led to the idea of an EP. Iver’s idea of adding short intermezzos between the two main songs gave this release even more energy and depth. This EP is one that points backwards towards our early works as well as forward to a yet unknown place we seem to be heading for.”

ENSLAVED are such seasoned voyagers. In their last venture, they descended into Utgard, deep in the dark beneath their native Norway. Now, they are preparing to set off again, not down this time, but out. They intend to cross the desert, into it and perhaps beyond it.

Travelling by sonic pathways, Caravans To The Outer Worlds will set off October 1st, inviting the listener to explore the esoteric spaces which call out from just beyond the dunes.

A new cycle has emerged and ENSLAVED find themselves on a bridge between the archaic and the unmapped. Caravans To The Outer Worlds EP is a tale of departure, of leaving behind a barren and desolate world, travelling boldly into the future.

Caravans To The Outer Worlds EP contains neck breaking riffage that points backwards to the raw beginnings of ENSLAVED — the title track marking an explosive lift-off with melodic breakaways and proggy slingshots onto new orbits, while the ominous ‘Ruun II: The Epitaph‘ takes a sombre dive into the murky and mysterious ocean of stars beyond the known. These two main pieces are framed by two intermezzos: ‘Intermezzo I: Lönnlig. Gudlig.‘ and ‘Intermezzo II: The Navigator’; wrapping up the main stories with respectively what came before and what is to come…

Caravans To The Outer Worlds track listing:

1. Caravans to the Outer Worlds
2. Intermezzo I: Lonnlig. Gudlig.
3. Ruun II – The Epitaph
4. Intermezzo II: The Navigator

Enslaved Caravans To The Outer Worlds