EXTREME NATION Needs Your Help To Happen

I have been made aware of a campaign to make a film happen that I would really like to see. I decided to write about it because I believe it would be very awesome for you to see as well. Roy Dipankar, executive producer and mastermind behind this film, says that it is an all or nothing campaign and if the film doesn’t happen, all money received will be returned. Why not be a part of metal history and documentation?

This article comes around the halfway point of the deadline for the funding, which was 45 days. As far as I know now, there are 23 or less days so get on it! I hate that I didn’t hear about it way earlier. We were approached by a fellow named Guido Segers who stated…

“Hi! I’m writing to you on behalf of the docu-film ‘Extreme Nation’, which is being made about metal in the Indian subcontinent. Now, I’m not a proper PR guy, so pardon my lack of decorum. It’s a DIY project and I want to see it materialise, hence me reaching out to you and your platform.
The Story:
Extreme Nation is a personal, cinematic journey to analyze years of evolution of what people call “the devil’s music” – travelling across countries, towns and cities of the subcontinent where I found a fascinating story to share with you & the world. The film highlights a diverse and equally discordant but well connected nexus of a volatile, extreme & underground subculture rooted in the Indian subcontinent; steeped in common history & geo-political strife.
The issue;
To get the film made, a crowdfunding has started. You can find the link below. It doesn’t need much, but it needs enough to actually happen. Oh… and within 45 days.
The request:
If you can give any attention to this project, whether it is on your site or maybe on the socials, that would mean so much! I would be really, really, really awesome.
Crowdfunding: https://www.wishberry.in/campaign/extreme-nation/?first#/campaign-new
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJEh6-X0F9c
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/358237924606470/
Thank you so much for even reading this and considering it.”

I am in contact with Roy and “People in the US or Europe would like to know the value in their currency
The target to achieve is 5,000,000 in Indian rupees that is 6500€ or $7700
and there are some awesome rewards associated with the contributions.”

Everything you need to know is in this quote.

The youtube request can be seen below.
