Find Social Media Influencers in Minutes

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing helps your brand or product gain international recognition within a day or two. An article in SEO Moghul Neil Patel’s blog states it’s possible to make nearly 400 people read your blog post by approaching just two Twitter influencers. Their tweets drove almost 400 extra readers within hours.

The power of influencer marketing is enormous as millions of people listen to their messages every day, every hour, and follow them diligently. Making powerful influencers endorse your product or brand is a great way to reach more paying customers than through any other form of advertising. 

Influencers can be approached to market your products in various ways. You can opt to endorse their brand in exchange for them showcasing yours; you can offer them a sponsorship or collaborate with them to collect their honest reviews about your brand or product. All types of influencer marketing pay off exceptionally well, provided you choose the right influencer.

Finding the perfect influencers who match your requirements within minutes is easy with these advanced tools and techniques:

1. If you are ready to spend money and want professional help, contact agencies like Obviously, Clarity or Viral Nation. These influencer marketing agencies connect you with the right type of influencers who can increase awareness about your brand, usually within a short time and for a decent payment.

2. Use Social Media Monitoring tools like Renoun, Buzzsumo and Tweetreach. Type in your category and find influencers, top posts recommended by most influencers, most engaging influencers, and a lot more information. Spend some time to master each of these tools and select the one that best suits your needs.

3. Use the Content Strategy Generator Tool (CSGT) created by Daniel Butler to do some fun research. This tool is an original content idea generator. But several SEO gurus swear it is an effective social media influencer finder. Search for a particular phrase related to your post and select top influencers listed under social media, content aggregators, etc. You will see top influencers from various platforms through this tool labeled under different titles. Select the ones you think are best suitable and research further. You can also see details from various forums, Q&A sites, and other discussion groups using this tool.

4. Klout is a famous tool used by several marketers to find influencers linked to your genre. Select an influencer pertaining to your category and check their Klout score. Shortlist a few of them and follow them for a few days to see how genuine and consistent they are in maintaining their platform. Connect with them as a follower, and if you feel that people buy the products they endorse, sign up with them to market your product.

Klout is not an easy and immediate way to find the best influencer. But it is an accurate way to discover influencers who genuinely connect with their audience, and partnering through them will pay off profitably.

5. Group High is the best place to find opportunities to post guest blogs. Though there are several tools and similar sites, this tool works great for blogs as it allows you to list blogs and blog posts related to your topics.

6. Group High has filters to rank influencers based on MozRank, star-marking particular blog posts, and influencers who created them. You can also get the essential contact information of the influencers through this tool. Showcasing over 10 million blogs, Group High is the lifesaver for marketers to find social media influencers quickly and effectively.

Use the Alexa Audience Interest Tool and Share of Voice Tool to find the top websites or topics related to your niche and promote related content. You can easily pick the blog, content, or other platforms with the highest number of views and center your influencer campaign around those site owners. Alexa tools help determine the right platform to promote your brand, and you can do further research to select an influencer famous on a particular platform like video sites, blogs, etc.

7. Find Twitter-based influences with Follower Wonk specifically designed for the purpose. The tool allows the marketers to research both the influencer and the demographics of the audience they have. It helps marketers streamline their search better and select the right target audience and famous influencers among them, increasing their marketing reach.

8. Influence is another tool that helps find the influencers based on the different types of content they provide. For example, the tool dashboard enables you to search top fashion influencers well-known for lip makeup and lip-related product endorsements. The tool’s ability to filter specific influencers based on their specialization is its unique selling point. TapInfluence is another upcoming influencer directory tool that has amassed over 50000 profiles of growing potential influencers and their contact details.

9. Cision is a well-established influencer database that allows you to get the campaign details of each influencer. You can search how much profit each influencer earned through their various brand endorsements and select a high-performing influencer within minutes. The tool has several advanced features which help you choose the best upcoming influencers, top-range influencers, and middle-range influencers in the market according to your budget.

10. Use Nuwber for identity verification of the influencer and get their contact details in minutes.

Influencer marketing can get extremely profitable using the top 10 tools listed here. We have listed critical sources like Keyhole, Klout, GroupHigh, Alexa Tools, Follower Wonk, Influencity, Cision, and a few other options. It is easy to find the influencer that will multiply your revenues in minutes using these tools. Feel free to check each of them and leverage the power of technology to grow your business and reap the profits quickly and effortlessly from the comfort of your home.