Haiduk – Exomancer

It’s incredible the number of instrumental acts we’ve been receiving. Well, “Exomancer” is exactly an instrumental act because only some tracks are solely instrumental. Haiduk are a band with traces of technical Death Metal, I say traces because it’s not something that happens in all tracks of “Exomancer.” Funny fact is that the technical traces are given by the bassist who goes out of the box. Vocals in “Exomancer” are most of the time blustered except in “Bloody Ripple” and “Once Flesh,” but he saves on words because there aren’t so many of them. Let’s say that Haiduk are meant to be instrumental, but they are briefly instrumental.

Haiduk’s intent is pretty interesting, though because they struggle to stay away from the common place. It’s a way to stand out from the crowd undoubtedly. It takes a lot more of effort to record an album like “Exomancer” because it’s needed to care most of instrumentals. I mean one has to use all their creativity in creating instrumental lines that can prevail vocals. And that’s not that easy as we all know. There are songs like “Subvert” and “Icevoid Nemesis” that have a very complex instrumental. In general, Haiduz sound as a technical Death Metal band, but there are times that they sound a bit modern as in “Pulsar” which at the same time has some Black Metal influences. Luka Milojica, Haiduk’s mastermind, uses and abuses of phrasing with major scales. Bass lines love to hammer on and double notes, a very used resource.

“Exomancer” is another solo project. We are also receving lots of solo projects. It’s easy to say exactly why this is happening. There is no easy answer. Sign of the times. Maybe because of internet and resources being at hand, I really don’t know. Haiduk are an interest project if you are interested in quasi instrumental acts.

Haiduk “Exomancer” was self-released on October 17th.

Track Listing:

  1. Death Portent
  2. Unsummon
  3. Evil Art
  4. Subverse
  5. Icevoid Nemesis
  6. Doom Seer
  7. Pulsar
  8. Blood Ripple
  9. Once Flesh


Watch “Blood Ripple” official video here: