Krilloan – Return of the Heralds Review

I’ve been hearing so much Power Metal while cooking and cleaning an other chores. YouTube has some amazing compilations when you aren’t right sure of what to listen. Blind Guardian were one of the bands I had the pleasure of carefully pick from the sea of bands there are. Just to name of the bands that pops up in my mind right now. Because of that I realized how much I like Power Metal and how much Power Metal is connected to my being. Interestingly, or ironically, I know I haven’t been kind of many of Power Metal bands I reviewed here. Yeah, mea culpa. I can’t say why I keep saying Power Metal is predictable. Maybe it’s the truth; maybe it isn’t. Thing is after this hiatus of writing review I cherry picked Krilloan with “Return of the Heralds” just because I knew it would be a Power Metal album. I reviewed them twice, one in 2022 with “Emperor Rising,” and the other time in 2021with “Stories of Times Forgotten.” So, obviously, I knew exactly what I was going to find here. No surprises. Just plain and marvelous Power Metal at its most pure essence.

Yeah, that’s right. As I said “Return of the Heralds” is a plain Power Metal album with all the pros and cons. I’ll stay with the pros only a the album is everything a fan would expect from a great Power Metal band as Krilloan are. I’ll keep with the speed of tracks as album warmer “Atlantean Sword” and “Kings of the Iron Hill” plus the very emotion chorus of “Avenging Son” followed by an emotional guitar riff as well which reminds me of the emotional content always present with Power Metal. Or the great bass lines of tittle track “Return of the Heralds” which is a great sample of everything Krilloan have got to show. All the emotion, power and speed are there. Or even the battle cries of “Blood & Fire (Born On A Battlefield)” and its strong reminder of Manowar another paramount band whose influence can be felt in 11 of 10 Power Metal bands.

“Return of the Heralds” is an album where melodic guitar riffs double with very melodic vocals. It’s also where the astonishing drumming speed meets the guitar finesse which can play at also astonishing speeds and delicate chords and textures. So, my dear power metaler, this is an album that can be heard with no surprises. Headbanging guaranteed.

Kriloan “Return of the Heralds” will be released on September 20th via Scarlet Records.

Track Listing:

  1. Atlantean Sword
  2. Kings of the Iron Hill
  3. Blood & Fire (Born on a Battlefield)
  4. Hammer of Wrath
  5. Avenging Son
  6. The Oathpact
  7. Return of the Heralds
  8. The Kingkillers Tale
  9. We Burn
  10. Beyond the Gates

Watch “Hammer of Wrath” official music video here: