MACHINE HEAD has performed their new single, “Do or Die,” live for the first time at Gasometer in Vienna, Austria on October 16. Fan-filmed video footage can be seen below.
Band’s frontman Robb Flynn has explain the lyrical inspiration for his band’s latest single “Do Or Die.”
After the release, song received many negative feedback over the lyrics.
Some of the song’s lyrics contains lines such as “Die, Motherf*cker, Die,” with some fans pointed out its similarity to DOPE‘s 2001 song “Die MF Die.”
Also, some of the lyrics includes lines as there’s not a metal band I ain’t influenced” and “we’re not CHIMAIRA or STRAPPING YOUNG LAD.”
“If you’re an angry person, then you know what it means when there’s a fury inside you that simmers just below the surface,” Robb wrote on social media.” For me it’s a rage that can fill my mouth (and in the past, my fists) with bile and I’m not satisfied until that bile’s reached its victim. ⠀
“I, like so many of us, am f*cked up in the head,” he continued.” I’ve felt as if the world was against me from the day I was born. My upbringing, like millions of others, was fueled by an uncontrollable rage. So those like me, we learned to put on a happy face for society, a laugh here, a smile there, but deep down that rage never goes away.⠀
Robb added: “That same rage has helped guide me through 33 years in the music business. You don’t last this long in this business being ‘happy.’ Happy is contentment and that’s never been me. You last in the music business due to a hatred inside. A hatred that burns a fire so bright, that it can only be extinguished by music.⠀
“It’s made for some beautiful hate filled songs…⠀
“However, living with that fire inside comes with consequences. ⠀
“It is a gift and a curse.⠀
“I write songs for a living, but I also write songs to live. ⠀
“Some people love them and connect with them beyond my wildest dreams, some people hate them and wish they never heard ’em, and that’s okay too. ⠀
“I’ve taken my lumps, I’m still standing and I’m never going away. In fact, I’m coming back hard as f*cking nails.⠀
“This is ‘Do Or Die’.”
Reeder, the visionary behind Metal Addicts, has transformed his lifelong passion for metal into a thriving online community for metal aficionados. As a fervent devotee of black metal, Reeder is captivated by its dark, atmospheric, and often unorthodox soundscapes.