Florida death metal veterans MASSACRE are gearing up to release new album, Resurgence, hopefully this year.
Band’s frontman Kam Lee has shared a teaser of the album cover, which can be seen below.

Lee previously said about MASSACRE‘s plans for 2021: “Here is the track listing and track titles for the upcoming album. As well we have two singles EP planned to be released as well as the special 30th Anniversary track coming soon too. The idea is that we plan to dominate this new year of 2021. With tours still being cancelled world wide and the likelyhood of any festival not happening until the later part of this year, and possibly delayed until 2022 — we MASSACRE have decided it’s best not to sit idle.
“Instead we have continued to write and work on new material and songs in which we want to periodically release thru out this year into the next.
“The landscape of the underground music industry and world has changed dramatically and the only way to remain relevant is to change along with it.
“BIG changes are coming for underground metal in bigger ways then most want to admit.
How bands survive in this new frontier will depend upon how well they adapt to these changes.
Relying on old the format of rock star sensibilities by doing road tours and playing for months is no longer an option.
“Under these current lock down conditions the only way to remain consistent is to not stop creating, and I for one have a lot of music ideas and creativity still left in me.
Resurgence track listing:
- Eldritch Prophecy
- Ruins Of R’lyeh
- Innsmouth strain
- Whisperer in darkness
- Book Of Rhe Dead (Necronomicon Ex-Mortis) — featuring Marc Grewe
- Into The Far Off Void — featuring David Ingram
- Servants Of Discord
- Fate Of The Elder Gods — featuring Peter Slate
- Spawn Of The Succubus
- Return Of The Corpse Grinder
The current lineup of legendary Kam Lee and original bassist Michael Borders have been joined by Rogga Johansson (PAGANIZER), Jonny Pettersson (GODS FORSAKEN, WOMBBATH, HENRY KANE) Scott Fairfax (MEMORIAM, AS THE WORLD DIES) and drummer Brynjar Helgeton.
Reeder, the visionary behind Metal Addicts, has transformed his lifelong passion for metal into a thriving online community for metal aficionados. As a fervent devotee of black metal, Reeder is captivated by its dark, atmospheric, and often unorthodox soundscapes.