After four years in the making, Norwegian MESSIER 16 unbinds their debut album iota, due to be released on May 28th. Aimed at relentlessly contemplative catharsis, this record seeks to dislodge the very bones of your quintessence. In a world of extreme solitude, MESSIER 16 encourages you to find company in this 53-minute journey of solemn musical atmosphere, to dare wallow in it, and let it be a hearth to which you can dry up. They released the new album title track “iota“, and you can check out the lyrics video below.
iota, (meaning ‘an extremely small amount’), is the title track of the record. The track represents and portraits an accumulation of emotional erosion, specifically in relation to involuntary isolation and the loneliness that follows it. iota represents the album’s core aesthetics, a search for a balance between the melodic and dissonant, aggressive versus atmospheric.
Jonas comments on the single:
“Personally, this track means a lot to me, as it was written in the middle of the album’s writing process, a time I find the creative flow runs the quickest and most violently – hence it represents the very moments the track itself describes. At the same time, the lyrical narrative is the breaking point and an emotional summit of the album’s journey.”
Inspired by bands like ColdWorld, Opeth and Emperor, as well as Stravinsky, Steve Reich and Jon Hopkins, iota is a difficult album to place, but an easy album to embrace. It’s a musical heat blanket of extreme metal, contemporary classical, and earnest choral elements.
All music written by Jonas Ulrik Eide, founder of the band, with the exception of the opening track, written by Alexander Scriabin, and played by the pianist Eirik Haug Stømner. There’s an orchestra piece played by Trondheim Symphony Orchestra. And a heap of aggressively sentimental metal tracks throughout.
The album as a whole is a deep dive in emotional desperation, and hopefully the listener will find it as inspiring, frustrating, melancholic and atmospheric as it can be.
I love metal music. I play drums in a local band. I have big interests in IT, science and books.