Metamorphosis – The Secret Art

Does anyone know the feeling of getting speechless? When was the last time your jaw fell down listening to an album? Have you ever been fascinated by any music? Have you ever considered it would be possible to slow down black metal and build songs using all kinds of Metal influences?

Yeah, my beloved readers. I made all those questions to myself when listening to Metamorphosis “The Secret Art” to which the term superb has lost the real meaning. It is one the most exciting efforts I have ever heard, and believe me I have heard a lot of them. Undoubtedly it is the best of this year. Ok, ok, I know it is only March, but Metamorphosis “The Secret Art” does deserve all this. Ten tracks of pure ecstatic pleasure. One must say that Satyricon have done that before. All right then, but it does not take away the credit that Metamorphosis “The Secret Art” is a great joy.

Musically speaking, Metamorphosis are a very gifted band with lots of rhythm and cadence variation. “The Secret Art” opens with a beautiful intro leading to a dazzling guitar riff. Title track, “The Secret Art,” is full of plot twists with some tempo variation, but not so fast. “The Secret Art” is not a fast album, as most bands are experiencing these days. The secret art is to deal with variation of rhythm and cadence which requires much more criativity from the band and Metamorphosis are a creative band. Second track opens up with some french horns and trompetes to make a pompous atmosphere leading to a song that begins as a hard rock to end up as piece of the secret dark arts with lots of guitar riffing variation. Metamorphosis are not afraid of making beautiful instrumental passages as in “Night on Bare Mountain” and we must respect that. The same in “As Legions Rise” where the guitar tries some weird sound effects as if an indian movie embellished with nice phrasing.

Metamorphosis “The Secret Art” surprised me in the good way, I cannot deny that. Metamorphosis are a band that dares to scape from black metal clichés, and that is great. It is a very well crafted album with a mature songwriting. Looking forward to the next effort!

Track Listing:

  1. The Secret Art
  2. The Beckoning
  3. Night on Bare Mountain
  4. As Legions Rise
  5. God of the Dead
  6. A Fateful Night
  7. Holy Wounds
  8. Invictus
  9. The Crypt
  10. Domine Lucifere

Watch “As Legions Rise” video here: