OZZY OSBOURNE: ‘I Can’t Walk Properly These Days’

Ozzy Osbourne 2021

To mark the 300th issue of Classic RockOzzy Osbourne gave a lengthy interview in which he confirmed that he is “waiting on some more surgery” on his neck.

 “I can’t walk properly these days,” he said. “I have physical therapy every morning. I am somewhat better, but nowhere near as much as I want to be to go back on the road.”

When asked if he thinks about mortality, Ozzy responded: “At f*cking 73, I’ve done pretty well. I don’t plan on going anywhere, but my time’s going to come.”

As for what else he would like to achieve in his 70s, legendary BLACK SABBATH singer said: “A Number One Ozzy album. I’m coming back to England this year, too. I’ve had enough of living out here [America] now. My intention was never to stay out here.”

During a recent appearance on “The Graham Norton Radio Show,” Ozzy Osbourne‘s wife and manager Sharon Osbourne confirmed that she and the legendary BLACK SABBATH singer are planning to move back permanently to their Buckinghamshire, U.K. estate.

“I’m back here [in the U.K.] for three weeks right now,” Sharon said. “And then I go home again for three and then come back here for a couple. So I’m going back and forth until Christmas till we move here permanently.”

As for how Ozzy is doing right now, she said: “He’s good. He’s really, really good. He’s finished another album which is coming out in September. And there we are. He’s busy in the studio. He still does all his writing and singing, and it keeps him really happy… He’ll never stop singing and writing. We’ve built him a big studio here [at the house in the U.K.], so he can do it all at home. And he can’t wait to come back, to be honest with you.”

When asked if she is bringing the entire family back to England, Sharon responded: “I’m bringing my hubby back. The kids are so American, they don’t wanna come back here. So it’s just Ozzy and I.”