Pain City – Keep It Real

An incendiary, exciting and full of energy mix of early punk rock with NWOBHM. That’s what Pain City “Keep It Real” shows us. I really was in the mood for some piece of vibrating music and Pain City come at hand. Ten tracks of insane uptempo Heavy Metal music.

There are days in life that you want it plain and simple just Pain City play it in “Keep It Real.” The good old high-octane Metal music with generous doses of punk rock vocals with catchy, but not cheesy choruses. The ones you get yourself singing alone for no reason. And the best of it is the rock’n’roll riffing interweaven among tracks giving more energy to them and a vibrating atmosphere. Some bands really try to make use of them, but it’s not a thing to use all the time. Pain City make them work pretty fine.

Though all ten tracks have different musical guiding lines, “Keep It Real” is an album where the vocal is the connecting element throughout it. “Keep It Real’s” music is a kind of trip through Metal riffing showing that Pain City were influenced by many bands. Of course, there is a surprising track as “Klatre opp igjen” whose modern features give them a special status among other tracks.

All tracks are amazing, but if I had to choose only, I’d pick “Rock Them All” for its match with modern riffing and the good rock’n’roll riffing. Ah, a great guitar solo that goes easy. That’s the effort that gives you the idea of “I’ve heard that before,” but you know what? Who cares! Music with Pain City flows so naturally, but so naturally, that you just let it go. The fact that guitars riffs and licks go easy and vocals fit perfectly to the songs make listening to “Keep It Real” a very easy task. Well, I wouldn’t call it a task. “Keep It Real” is made of ten tracks to headbang – does anyone still use headbang? – at large. Just it! Does anybody need anything else? I don’t. “Keep It Real” made may day.

Pain City “Keep It Real” will be released on January 25th via Pain City Records.

Track Listing:

  1. Alive and Free
  2. Never Stop Fighting
  3. I Shout It out Loud
  4. Do Or Die
  5. Jack of All Trades
  6. Today I Ain’t Myself
  7. Swallowed by the Flames
  8. Cannonball on Fire
  9. Rock Them All
  10. Klatre opp igjen

Watch “Never Stop Fighting” music video here: