Wow! It’s such a long time that we don’t have a Brutal Death band to review here that I almost forgot how fierceful and wrathfull vocals can be. Obie Flett’s voice is cadaveric, nocturnal, shadow oriented, dark, and all the adjectives I don’t to mean that they are out of this world – cadaveric… hahahahahahahaha. I guess no one has ever seen someone using this word to define vocals. Things fans only see at Metal Addicts. Always at your service and providing the best.
“The Everlasting Plague” imposes itself from the very beginning. There is a short intro with some ambient music and then the guitars blast fire and the drums sound as an earthquake. But it’s the sepulchral voice comes that things really get nasty. “A Pound of Flesh” starts the gore festival that Pathology showcase. Sick and twisted aren’t enought o express all the putrid air that exhales from the album. However, “The Everlasting Plague” has something funny about it. It’s possible to divide it into two major parts. The first is the aforementioned vocal. The second is the instrumental. They only fit when they are together. The impression I got is that they were planned to really be that different. I mean, instrumentals are much less gore than vocals. In fact, they are neat, intrincate, and complex. well, that may not be that accurate because if the fan pays attentiont to the carnivore and flesheater “Viciously Defiled” the impression is that it sounds pretty nasty and gory. The spanking and beating that the drums impress on the song is fabulous. I’ll stick with the intricate as I listen to “Submerged in Eviscerated Carnage” whose lyrics are nice and smooth as an elephant in crystal shop, if you know what I mean.
Once in while it’s a great thing to go back to the basics. I mean, “The Everlasting Plague” instrumentwise is anything but basic. What I mean is that the gore and filthy lyrics are the basics of Death Metal. So do the bleaky vocals. For that reason I guess Pathology are a back to bascis band. Enjoy the gore.
Pathology “The Everlasting Plague” will be released on November 19th via Nuclear Blast Records.
Track Listing:
- A Pound of Flesh
- Perpetual Torment
- Engaging in Homicide
- Procession of Mangled Humans
- Viciously Defiled
- Diseased Morality
- Submerged in Eviscerated Carnage
- Corrosive Cranial Affliction
- As the Entrails Wither
- Dirge for the Infected
- Death Ritual Deciphered
- Decomposition of Millions
Watch “As the Entrails Wither” official lyric video here:
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!