When PYOGENESIS release their highly anticipated new album ‘A Silent Soul Screams Loud’ on January 24th, the band has completed their trilogy which started in 2015 with “A Century in the Curse of Time” and was followed up by 2017’s “A Kingdom To Disappear.”
► „Don’t do a trilogy about the 19th century“, they said!
“But we are proud, as the third and last part of our Steampunk trilogy is on its way. ‘A Silent Soul Screams Loud’ will be released on January 24th, 2020. Alongside the two previous parts, this one deals with with the change of the society in the 19th century. This time topics are highlighted such as Napoleon’s reign, his war and Code Civil, Sigmund Freud in view of Religion, Bohemia, a land between the powers, Frankenstein and the first popular literature in horror, Darwinism and the survival of the fittest and last but not least even a 14 minute epos in three movements: Karl Marx and The Capital!”
► “Your sound is so tearful and pessimistic,” they said!
“Musically it connects with the rest of the trilogy, which is the essence of all PYOGENESIS records: Melody and melancholy.
Since ever we’ve been working on deeper tunes that captivate its listener and drag him down under the surface of shallowness.”
► “Steampunk, what is that supposed to be?“ they said!
“With these three records we have not just been trying to attract the people with music. The look and feel to us is as important. That’s why we hired again Stan-W Decker to design – a once more – amazing cover art. The Trinity of Soil, Air and Water is now complete. The complexity and richness of details of the cover has no equal and can maybe only be found in IRON MAIDEN’s artwork-milestone “Somewhere In Time.” We wanted a cover you can look at for 30 minutes and even then you’ll find new things. Stan, we pull off our hats!”
► “Lord of the who?” they said!
“As before, we invited friends and bands we like to participate on the record. So one song features Chris Harms from Lord of The Lost who sings a duet with Flo V Schwarz. The first of it’s kind for PYOGENESIS and their voices match perfectly. Have tissues ready!”
► “People stream music today” they said!
“Everyone loves his smartphones and to stream music. But we are old fashioned. We wanna hold something in our hands and actually own it! We wanna put a record-cover next to the record player while we listen to the songs! Despite vinyl and CDs are dying, we decided with our amazing team at AFM Records to go that extra mile and to offer the following configuration of the album besides streaming and download:
– Digipack
– Boxset (limited to 500) with 3D cover, Digipak, a high-quality & stable cover-flag with eyelet (no regular poster flag!), a logo lanyard, limitation certificate, handsigned postcard
– Vinyl 180g (limited to 250) bull’s eye yellow
– Vinyl 180g (limited to 250) submarine blue”
► “Go and get a real job” they said!
“Recorded and produced, again by ourselves, with no influence or advising from outside to reach our ears. Knowing that we’re not mainstream, we’re not hip or hot, nor for the masses. We could change a few tiny things and sell way more records and tickets. But we don’t want to change a thing! We do it for ourselves. And we are in the lucky position to be heard by a few
crazy people from Australia to Canada who enjoy what our work, who like the songs as they are and feel the way we feel.
Nothing more. Nothing less. Thank you for your attention.”
Read our review here.
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!