REBAELLIUN and ‘Under the Sign of Rebellion’

Rebaelliun are making their return to the music scene in 2022 with the album “Under the Sign of Rebellion,” featuring 10 previously unreleased tracks. The album’s thematic addresses the group’s own name and the multifaceted concepts of rebellion, the choice of religious domination that plagues Brazil after the rise of the extreme right which is one of the most prominent themes throughout the songs. Regarding to previous projects, the theme is more focused on the dire and extreme reality that surrounds contemporary society, showing the political position of the members as protest.

The cover art is still going through artistic definitions, though it’s quite advanced. Rafael Siqueira, one of the owners of the RR44 studio in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, is the responsable for the album production. The band is looking forward to set the release date via the Polish label Agonia.

A new t-shirt was released in January, this time with the well-known symbol of the devil with the Rebaelliun logo made by Porto Alegre’s artist Rafael Giovanoli.

In February Rebaelliun released its own coffee label “Coffee Legion” with Humanos Mortos Produções, responsible for the coffee label of bands like Ratos de Porão, Troops of Doom and Nervochaos.

Still celebrating the return to the stages, Rebaelliun together with Alcides Burn made the re-released of the classic t-shirt featuring the art of Legion which made a duo with the recently released coffee label from Rio de Janeiro’s Acracia farm.

Rebaelliun have some shows scheduled and among them the Netherlands Deathfest V in De Effenaar in Europe.

You can check out more about Rebaelliun via the band’s website, which was launched at the end of 2021, in addition to the band’s history and photos, there you will find the official merchandising, all done with great attention to the public.

Article by Indy Lopes

Photo Indy Lopes at Ablaze Metal Fest

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