Guitar Virtuous NITA STRAUSS Says ‘For Many, Many Years, It Wasn’t Really Normal to Be a Girl Guitar Player’

Guitar vituous Nita Strauss said in an interview to Metal Injection that finally times are changing and girls are climbing positions in the music industry as players. She said that she’s very excited to see a new generation of girls playing the guitar. Check it out:

“I think it’s cool to see so many amazing female players out there. Because you’re absolutely right – for many, many years, it wasn’t really normal to be a girl guitar player.

“You’d see a lot of girl bass players and a lot of girl singers and keyboard players, but not a lot of girl drummers and girl guitar players.

“And now to see all these amazing female players coming out, not just Lita Ford and Jennifer Batten but all the newer generation of female guitar players. It’s amazing just to be a part of that wave and see it happening.”

Asked about equal opportunities in 2018, she said:

“It’s gotten better to the point that no one thinks that’s bizarre that I play guitar anymore. But I will say, we could still use more.

“If you’re looking for a 50:50 – we’re here at Guitar Center in New York, I’m about to go do a guitar clinic, and if you get a shot of the crowd in there I guarantee you it’s not gonna be 50:50.

“There’s still 10 girls to 90 guys in there. Whereas 10 years ago it might have been one girl to 99 guys. And maybe in a few years, it’ll be 15:85, and math is not my strong side so I’ll stop there. [Laughs] You know what I mean.

“But we’re definitely moving in the right direction and it’s not so weird to be a female guitar player anymore. And that’s cool.

“It’s cool because in 2018 it’s sort of… In the last year or two, we’ve seen women step so far up into traditionally male-dominated fields. You know, female boxing, female MMA fighting, Nascar driving… I think NFL has its first female ref. It’s cool to see women stepping up and saying like, ‘Hey, I can step into this role.'”