JARED DINES’ 18-String Charity Auction Fails Miserably Since ‘Drunk’ Top Bidders Didn’t Actually Have Money

Jared Dines

YouTuber Jared Dines has announced that the charity auction of his 18-string guitar, whose proceeds were supposed to benefit kids who can’t afford musical instruments. has failed miserably because the top bidders didn’t have the money that they offered.

Dines said in a video (as transcribed by Ultimate-Guitar.com): “As some of you may know, I tried to sell my 18-string online for kids to get them instruments for Christmas.

“I thought it’d be a cool thing to do, and the highest bid was $16,400 so I was thinking, like, ‘This is amazing,” he continued.” I’m gonna change, like, forty-fifty kids’…’ – you know, not change their lives, I guess, but I don’t know, I was gonna do something cool for them, right?

“Like, get them instruments, use the money and have them go to a guitar store and film them shopping and film them buying these guitars and everything, just picking them out and being excited and having a great Christmas because, you know, not everyone can afford guitars and there’s a lot of kids who want to play and I think that’s really cool and something that I was really passionate about.

He added: “And, well, I don’t even want to… Like, I’m not gonna say his name, or their names, I’m not gonna bring any attention to them as people, I’m not gonna blast them or put them out there, that’s not my intention. But pretty much the highest bidder just messaged me and said, ‘Don’t drink and bid on eBay. Sorry.’

“Cool… That’s… And the bummer thing about that too was that the person behind him [on eBay bids] also messaged me and said, ‘I got drunk and bid on eBay.’ And I’m not trying to sit here and shame people who drink. That’s not my intent, you know? I have a drink every now and then just like the next guy, and I’m not trying to, like, get pissed off with these people.

“But I don’t know what to do so… I still have the guitar, obviously, and the dude who bought it is not gonna go through with it and I guess that’s just how eBay works, so I don’t know what to do. I guess I’ll figure it out. I’m still gonna try to use the guitar to like in some way.

“I don’t want to just re-list it because if I re-list it, I feel like I’m just gonna get trolled again or the same thing’s gonna happen and I’m, like, I actually had, like, the date scheduled to, like, film. So now it all has to be shifted and moved back and all that stuff, so yeah…
