Trappist – Ancient Brewing Tactics

Trappist are a band which carry the torch for old school hardcore. Hum, I don’t know if I can we say that? Anyway, Trappist are from the English hardcore school. Straight-ahead music and skullcrushing right-to-your-face riffs. But, there are some small differences. In “Ancient Brewing tactics” there are some dissonances, not the same type one can find in Metal music, but the ones Sex Pistols used to do. The kind one doesn’t know if they are intended or simply mistakes.

Listen to hardcore bands is a great lesson to Metal fans. Extreme Metal owes a lot to hardcore. Even NWOBHM owes something to punk rock. At least the fury. But pay attention to Trappist drumming. One can find it in many 1980s bands. This kind of cadence was very used by many bands until someone had the bright idea of using double bass pedals. Due to them, other types of high-velocity cadences could be tested. Then, extreme Metal took a very different path.

There are some interesting things about this “Ancient Brewing Tactics” because a song like “Frank The Tank” is almost a Metal tune. Guitar riffing is much alike, but down there in the deep, Trappist are a hardcore band. However, in songs like “Proost-Op” they are very near Nuclear Assault. That’s the most interesting thing about Trappist. They a foot into crossover. “You’re The Reason” is also song that has a lot crossover dashes. There is room also for some experimentation in “Trappist-1: Final Gravity.” Lots of effects and an art rock atmosphere. Just what punks hate. Well, punks hate everything, don’t they?

Trappist “Ancient Brewing Tactics” was released on August 17th via Relapse Records.

Track Listing:

  1. No Soldier Left Behind
  2. This Mean Wort
  3. Tesguino
  4. The Patron Saints
  5. Hymn to Ninkasi
  6. Waiting in Line – First Stanza
  7. Giving the Boot to Reinheitsgebot
  8. Swignorant
  9. Nihamanchnihamanchii
  10. Frank the Tank
  11. No Corporate Beer
  12. Victims of a Bomber Raid
  13. 99 Problems (But A Beer Ain’t One)
  14. Proost-Op
  15. Waiting in Line – Second Stanza
  16. To the Pint
  17. You’re the Reason
  18. Garbage Human
  19. Waiting in Line – Third Stanza
  20. Wolves In The Taproom
  21. Trappist-1: Final Gravity

Watch “No Soldier Left Behind” official music video here: