Sortilegia – Sulphurous Temple

Being honest with all you boys and girls that read our page, it’s the first time I listen to such esquisite black metal effort like Sortilegia “Sulphurous Temple.” Instrumental parts prevail in “Sulphurous Temple.” Except occasional voices, voice effects, terrorized screams and yells from hell, voices are scarse in this “Sulphurous Temple.” That doesn’t bother me at all, as a matter of fact. I just got puzzled.

First of all, we must praise this kind of iniciative. It’s not easy to write an album like “Sulphurous Temple.” That happens because in a genre like Metal, the voice is kind of a guidance to the instrumental. It doesn’t only shine, the voice guides and gives some brilliant atmosphere. Sortilegia with “Sulphurous Temple” took for granted the no concessions to any kind of media that’s part of black metal. If you have no singing, you have no chorus, it means that you give less chances to be any kind of commercial. Pretty valid to me. There’s one more point to be said that is you give more chances to the instrumental. Musicians have to use more of their criativity. There are few voices  to diverse from the instrumental. Sortilegia with “Sulphurous Temple,” voices are to create an atmosphere of despair.

Talking about the instrumental, we must praise the drummer. The way the tempo is guided diverse the common listener in “Sulphurous Temple. One must say it is completely out, but it’s only doubling the single tempo. Very good job.

“Sulphurous Temple” is a pretty solid effort. There are no ups and downs among tracks. They all have a logical structure that guides them. Sortilegia did a very good job in “Sulphurous Temple.” Even more when you know that they are a two men band. On second thought, sometimes it’s best. There are a few people to quarrel about.

Track Listing:

  1. Night’s Mouth
  2. Speculum Tenebraum
  3. Ecatasies Of The Sabbath
  4. The Veil
  5. Hymn For The Egregor
  6. Exalting In Acrid Flames

Sortilegia with “Sulphurous Temple” will darken the skies on November 24th via Ván Records.

Watch “Ectasies Of The Sabbath” official video here: