I won’t deny I find it interesting bands with a long name as Thy Kingdom Will Burn. I always keep wondering how it would be in a show to the crowd cry out the band’s name. As a matter of fact, it’s simpler than I have always thought. The crowd just abreviates the name… Duh!
Ok, regarding to albums things get easier. Their tittles can be as long as the band imagines it. Of course, the imagination is also the limit to what an album can get. Here with “The Loss and Redemption” it’s possible to say imagination has no limits as Thy Kingdom Will Burn try many kinds of moods, atmospheres, and Metal music features. It’s not a simple album in musical terms with a dark, but complex musianship that goes beyond the Melodic Death Metal the band is used to perform. It’s possible to say that the album is an evolution of the subgenre by introducing much more than the melody Melodic Death Metal the fan is used to. The album goes near a Black Metal melody with a musical performance near Technical Death Metal.
By opening and warming track “Perpetual Void” it’s possible to validate my first hypothesis where the band approaches Black Metal melodies maintaining the dark atmosphere. It’s “Martyrs of Killing Floor” that validates my second hypothesis with a complex musical approach near not only Technical Death Metal, but also Progressive Metal. All the production details in the album points to a more attentive care to the post-production introducing many acoustic instruments in order to create the desired mooding. The orchestral intro to “Escape from Solitude” followed by the piano and, then, the slow minimalist clean vocal moment. Pay attention how the song goes changing drifting apart from the beginning. Musically speaking this is the most interesting song of the album. But, the band doesn’t forget its roots with, for instance, “Suffering Sky” with the well-known and appreciated twin guitars that NWOBHM made famous and loved. Fun fact is that my first audition to the album didn’t raise my eyes to it. It was only by the second that I could verify what I’m writing here. That’s why I always say it’s fair to listen to an album more than once to review.
“The Loss and Redemption” is Thy Kingdom Will Burn‘s step ahead in terms of composition and songwriting. It’s about a band getting mature enough and going beyond its technical limitations. It’s a musically varied album proving that the band has reached a level that many bands are still looking for.
Thy Kingdom Will Burn “The Loss and Redemption” will be released on January 17th via Scarlet Records.
Track Listing:
- Perpetual Void
- Obscure Existence
- Martyrs of Killing Floor
- Forever In Dark
- Escape from Solitude
- Suffering Sky
- They Have Come
- Dreams of Calamity
- To End of Times
- Sydānyō
Watch “Perpetual Void” official music video here:
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!