Tumenggung – Back on the Streets Review

To receive an Old School Heavy Metal album as Tumenggung’s “Back on the Streets” is always such a pleasure because it means it doesn’t matter the years gone and all the fuzz about new Metal music old school is never gone. There is always a band somewhere honoring the good old days of Metal music. I have no shadow of doubt Metal music is the music style that respects more its past.

From head to toe, “Back on the Streets” is a time travel to the good old 1980’s. It’s flawless album recreating all the power and the glory from Metal music of that epoch. An unadvised fan who doesn’t know the band could think it is the real deal, I mean, from that time. Real deal Tumenggung sure is due to hard grip in recreating the timeless sonancy.

Doubtless, Tumenggung drank from many Metal fountains, but, in fact, from where I’m standing, listening to the album I feel Tokyo Blade were a huge influencea mong all. Album opener “Back on the Streets” maintains all the angry, the power, the adrenaline, the energetic of the music we all love and it was the song that made me immediately think of Tokyo Blade. It was the frentic cadencing and, most of all, the melodic guitars with the fast drumming. Pure NWOBHM. As the bands from that time, the band varies the tempo and cadence in each track giving the songs a new face as “Living on the Edge” showcases my dear child of the night. It’s the art of making noise Metal music taught the world. And be sure that all songs are going to burn with heat guitar leads – the part I love the most. Pay close attention to the perfect synchrony of the drums and the bass. Believe it or not, “In the Dead of Night” comes with the most used guitar riff in all times. The one my dear child of the night might have heard bazillion times. Great guitar lead though. As usual, a honey dripping ballad had to make its appearance. Interestingly, its name is “Deja Vu.” Coincidence or not?

“Back on the Streets” is an album for those with Metal in their veins.

Tumenggung “Back on the Streets” will be released on January 17th via Jawbreaker Records.

Track Listing:

  1. Wall Breaker
  2. Back on the Streets
  3. Living on the Edge
  4. In the Dead of Night
  5. Deja Vu
  6. 1000 Tons of Metal
  7. Symphony of Hate
  8. Strangers
  9. Soul Reaper

Watch “Back on the Streets” official lyric video: