UNLEASH THE ARCHERS is a Canadian heavy metal band from Victoria, BC. The band plays a fusion of traditional heavy metal with power metal and melodic metal. They have released new album title track “Apex”. You can hear it below.
Brittney Slayes states: “The title track is not only the last song on the record, but was also straight up the last song written for the album. We wrote it the night before we hit the studio, right after ‘moving in’ to the little house in the Danish countryside we lived in while recording. It is very representative of the headspace we were in during our time at Hansen Studios, and it has actually become my favourite track on the album! I love the chorus; I wrote it with our fans in mind, calling out to them to join us on the journey that is this record. I love when the guitars just take off instrumentally as well, I told Andrew he had free reign to write riff after riff, one flowing into the other, very reminiscent of Hallowed Be Thy Name (which is one of my absolute favourite Maiden tracks!) and I think it turned out perfectly. We also played with dynamics a lot on this track, allowing it to become a summary of the adventure the listener just experienced through the first nine songs; I consider it a kind of epilogue. It’s on the longer side but we really hope to be able to play this one live! We’ll see what the fans think though, if they ask, they shall receive ;)“
Check out the previously released track “The Matriarch” here.
Channeling the fiery brilliance of shooting stars, there is immense beauty on “Apex“, and it clutches you with a fervor that lingers well beyond the last cymbal decay. Through swift melodies and a flair for the dramatic, UNLEASH THE ARCHERS newest release compels you to chant with fists raised high in the air “All hail heavy metal!”
“Apex” Full Track Listing:
01. Awakening
02. Shadow Guide
03. The Matriarch
04. Cleanse The Bloodlines
05. The Coward’s Way
06. False Walls
07. Ten Thousand Against One
08. Earth And Ashes
09. Call Me Immortal
10. Apex
You can pre-order the album here.
I love metal music. I play drums in a local band. I have big interests in IT, science and books.