It’s always cool to see when a band comes out with a new album that is just pure heavy and raw metal that is just uncompromisingly intense to the point where it feels like any metal fan can listen to it without much trouble especially since it’s good f**king metal. That is precisely what Varg have done with their upcoming album “Das Ende Aller Lügen” as it alone shows that whatever they were doing before is nothing compared to this beast of an album. “The end of all lies” is what the album title translates into and that really helps elaborate on the theme of overthrowing corrupt political leaders and all of those who cheat and bulls**t their way to the top and leech on all else below them. As good a theme as any if you ask me, and even though it’s been done hundreds of times Varg gives it fresh life with their blend of intensity that shockingly didn’t sound recycled even though overall they didn’t bring anything new to the table like different guitar dynamics, unique vocals, or any other kind of innovation to spice things up. That just goes to show that Varg has a true grasp on the sound that they wanna make because even after my second spin of “Das Ende Aller Lügen” it didn’t sound old or boring yet, and replay-ability is something that you don’t really appreciate consciously. No song sounded bland. It just made you want to hear the next track as much as the one you just heard, and mixing that with a great blend of metal is something that I feel like we can all appreciate and Varg definitely has my appreciation that’s for sure. When “Das Ende Aller Lügen” releases in 2016 I expect all of you to go listen to it because it just might be the best chance you get to starting off the new year with a blast of awesome metal that won’t make you sorry for listening to it.
“Das Ende Aller Lügen” releases on the 15th of January. You can purchase the title track via iTunes here and stream the new single “Dunkelheit” via YouTube below.
Just a metal head who loves just about all metal. I want to spread the word about the REALLY great bands out there, well known and underground. I do this for fun and don’t want any sort of money from doing reviews. It’s its own reward. I also do daily reviews for my own review site, Head-Banger Reviews, where the reviews are longer and daily as mentioned. No bullshit, just here to have some fun, listen to cool music and meet cool people.