Ozzy Osbourne, as reported by The Sun, has vowed to make a comeback to live performances, even if he has to sit in a chair.

This announcement follows a statement he made a month ago, confessing to the cancellation of his tour due to spinal injuries from four years ago and other health concerns.

Osbourne is said to have drawn encouragement from Axl Rose of GUNS N’ ROSES, who toured with a injured foot while seated on a throne, and Phil Collins

he is considering doing gigs in a throne, like what Axl did in 2016 with GUNS N’ ROSES. He was really impressed by that move. And he feels Phil showed that audiences do resonate with you.

Ozzy worries that he may not be able to sit still, which could be challenging. But there is talk of bringing in some special effects and even stage machinery to have the chair move around

On the recent installment of SiriusXM’s “Ozzy Speaks”, Ozzy shared a few words with co-host Billy Morrison and gave an account of his tour status.

Osbourne addressed the reports that he was retiring from touring after he revealed his decision to cancel his tour earlier this month due to a spinal injury he suffered four years ago and other health issues.

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