One of the heaviest metal festivals in the midwest region took place this past May 16th to May 19th 2024 in Columbus Ohio.
Sonic Temple 2024 brought metalheads from all areas of the USA, but not just USA, some heavy metal fans came from outside the USA just to experience one of the most popular metal festivals in the Midwest region.
Bands as SLIPKNOT, PANTERA, SLEEP TOKEN, JUDAS PRIEST, OG MISFITS, IN THIS MOMENT, BAD RELIGION and many more made this festival a “must go” event for fans of this music genre, but not just the bands, the merch they have was unique to this festival as well, and even some bands have their own posters / shirts exclusively to Sonic Temple, which made collectors have the opportunity to bring something unique back home after an incredible weekend full of metal.
Even though the weather’s app was forecasting rain and thunderstorms for the weekend, the metal gods played their part and the weather wasn’t as bad at all during the fest, just minimum rain on Friday morning which was totally over by 4pm.
Metal Addicts brings you some of the sickest shots of the festival, which was an experience fans will keep in their hearts for the rest of their lives, or at least until the next Sonic Temple. Don’t forget to check Danny Wimmer Presents site for other music festival hosted by this increadible organization.
Review by Kanon Madness / Photos by the Danny Wimmer Presents content team