Dark Lightning – The Demons We Create Review

I guess I have made my point about female vocalists here. If I haven’t here it is I love them! The thing is I like the contrast between her voices with the rough instrumentals and Metal music is all about contrasts. Especially when the girl has a voice as Lea does with a prone to the operatic, but not forgetting Metal roughness.

Musicwise, Dark Lightning are a mix of Old School Heavy Metal with some Symphonic Metal via Lea’s voice and keyboards here and there, but essencially they are utterly linked with Old School Heavy Metal the same way Nightwish were in their early days. By the way, there are many things in common between both bands. The “The Unknown Mind,” for instance, has a strong operatic vocal that gives the tone to the track. However, it’s funny to have in a Metal band the guitars in the background. Well, not really in the background, in fact, in “Into the Night Sky” they take the lead from the beginning. On Dark Lightning’s this is a Symphonic Metal feature. Put it in a simple, that’s what makes Symphonic Metal. I have no doubt about it. Let’s not forget the tracks with pianos as “Take off” where the instrument takes the lead.

“The Demons We Create” is an album with neat instrumentals and pristine vocals with nice melodies. Well, it couldn’t be different. Tracks as “The Lonely Ruler” have pleasant melodies that make the fan singalong where the band tries a vocal duet, and contrast, with a male harsh voice. The band liked it so much that in the moody “Solace in My Solitude” they repeat the formula. From where I’m standing the outcome is a little higher than the previous track. I liked a lot the groovy and moody guitar riff and the Black Metal inspired vocals of “Born Without a Heart,” a track that makes a trip around Metal music showing lots of influences. One interesting about the album is that it sounds endless because it is real long. There are 12 tracks in almost one hour of music.

It’s interesting how Lea’s voice reminds  Alanis Morissette’s. It took me a while to figure it out. Well, odds out, I must say the combination is a killer. That what makes “The Demons We Create” so different.

Dark Lightning “The Demons We Create” was independently released on December 06th.

Track Listing

01. Glimpse of Freedom
02. Trapped Forever
03. The Unknown Mind
04. Into the Night Sky
05. Hall of Tears
06. Take off
07. The Lonely Ruler
08. Solace in My Solitude
09. Born Without a Heart
10. Beautiful Beast
11. Quest For Light
12. The Demons We Create 

Watch “Beautiful Beast” official music video here: