During a recent interview with Revolver magazine, LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe talked about TYPE O NEGATIVE and his favourite song from the group.
“‘Bloody Kisses (A Death in the Family)’ is not the first TYPE O song I ever heard, but I believe it is my favorite,” he said. “It’s got all the right elements: funeral dirge doom-ridden guitars, spooky keyboards that sound like the pipe organ in Dracula’s castle, sexy female background noises, and of course the deep death’s-chill voice of Peter Steele.
Randy continued: “When I first heard TYPE O I thought, This sounds like BLACK SABBATH had an undead baby with the SISTERS OF MERCY, both bands I enjoyed immensely and still do to this day. I am a sucker for goth and doom, and TYPE O was a perfect combination of both.
Elsewhere in the interview, Randy discusses the “highly unpleasant” experience of meeting TYE O NEGATIVE‘s Peter Steele for the very first time.
He said: “On June 2nd of 2007 I woke up on my bus in Nürberg, Germany. LAMB OF GOD was playing the Rock am Ring festival that day and I had an absolutely excruciating hangover. I stumbled off my bus into the sunlight around noon, feeling like I was going to throw up all over myself.
“I was staggering around the backstage area in abject alcohol-induced misery, literally holding my head in my hands as I tried to find the catering tent in order put something in my stomach to soak up all the booze from the night before” he continues.
“Suddenly I felt this immense wallop on my back, almost knocking me off my already very unsteady feet. As I turned around, trying not to puke — while simultaneously attempting to suck some air back into my into my suddenly emptied lungs — I heard a deep voice rumble at me in a thick Brooklyn accent: ‘Hey, kid! Cheer up! It’s not that bad!’ I looked up and there he was, cheerily grinning down at me, all 6 foot 8 of his dark majesty blocking out the German sun like some damn Yankee day-walking vampire.
“‘F*ck. You. Dude,’ I gasped. ‘Yes, it is that bad.’ And stumbled away to die. In that hungover state, I was very, very unhappy to have been ‘cheered up’ so abruptly by Peter Steele.
“Despite technical difficulties, TYPE O killed it during their afternoon set. And to this day, sometimes when things are sh*tty and I catch myself whining in my head, I’ll laugh to myself and say in a deep Bensonhurst accent: ‘Hey kid! Cheer up! It ain’t that bad!’ RIP Peter Steele“.
Reeder, the visionary behind Metal Addicts, has transformed his lifelong passion for metal into a thriving online community for metal aficionados. As a fervent devotee of black metal, Reeder is captivated by its dark, atmospheric, and often unorthodox soundscapes.