LAMB OF GOD’s RANDY BLYTHE: I Was ‘Weeping Uncontrollably’ At My First Sober Show
On “The New Man” podcast with Tripp Lanier, LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe opened up about being 14 years sober.
On “The New Man” podcast with Tripp Lanier, LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe opened up about being 14 years sober.
In an interview on “The New Man” podcast with Tripp Lanier, LAMB OF GOD vocalist Randy Blythe shared his views on religion.
LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe has criticized Elon Musk for making a one-armed gesture during a speech commemorating Donald Trump’s inauguration.
He’s auctioning off a rare photo he took of Glenn Danzig leading the SAMHAIN reunion in 2014, hoping to raise funds for those affected by the storms.
LAMB OF GOD’s frontman Randy Blythe was asked to share his opinion on which METALLICA album he prefers: Ride The Lightning or Master Of Puppets.
In a recent interview with Kyle Meredith, LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe discussed how concertgoers often use their cell phones to take photos and videos during performances, sometimes even …
Italian goth metal band LACUNA COIL has dropped a new track, “Hosting The Shadow.” Following their successful duet with NEW YEARS DAY‘s Ash Costello on “In The Mean Time,” the …
LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe recently gained attention for covering METALLICA‘s “One” on the ShipRocked cruise with David Ellefson on bass, which led to him doing another cover. He …
Fans on board the Carnival Magic cruise witnessed something special today as LAMB OF GOD‘s vocalist Randy Blythe and ex-MEGADETH bassist David Ellefson put on a thrilling cover of METALLICA‘s …
It was a close call for LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe and his friends in CHILDREN OF BODOM. The bands were on tour together when they were pulled over …
During a recent appearance on “Talk Toomey” podcast, drummer Art Cruz discuss all things LAMB OF GOD and the band’s upcoming album, Omens. “I’m speaking as a fan as well,” Art said while speaking about “greatness” of …
LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe joined the BAY AREA INTERTHRASHIONAL project — featuring Matt Camacho (FORBIDDEN), Craig Locicero (FORBIDDEN) and Chris Kontos (MACHINE HEAD), among others — at this year’s Dynamo Metalfest in Eindhoven, Netherlands on Sunday, August 21 to …