Metalheads Protest In Front Of Iran Consulate In Germany (Video)

Metal Fans

In the city of Frankfurt, Germany, metalheads staged a thunderous protest outside the Iranian consulate.

As many are aware, the genre of heavy metal, often referred to disparagingly by Iranian authorities as the “Devil’s music,” is strictly forbidden within the Iranian borders. The nation’s stringent regulations regarding music — with particular severity towards black metal — have led to a wave of punitive actions, resulting in severe penalties, incarcerations, and in extreme cases, even death.

Iranian band TRIVAX is a testament to these harsh realities. They have experienced first-hand the intolerant attitude of their home countries towards their music genre, and the severe consequences that can follow.

Their love for heavy metal, a passion they wished to pursue freely, became a dangerous pursuit in their homeland, leading them to seek refuge in the United Kingdom. In the UK, they found an escape from the looming threat of imprisonment and torture, and a chance to continue their musical journey. The Frankfurt protest, throbbing with their music, was as much a show of solidarity for them, as it was a declaration against the Iranian music laws.