When you daily receive lots of realases, there are times that you’ve got to be really picky and chose the album that amazes you the most. It’s not that the others aren’t okay, it’s just that there isn’t enough time to review all of them. So, you pick the album and listen for some minutes. If it sparks your attention you follow the review. Also we’re used that from time to time, there are surprises. And for surprises I mean the good ones. The bad I delete and that’s it. So much for the review. Spiders from Saigon are in the first example.
To say that is “Spiders from Saigon” an album of one band ins’t fair and accurate. The feeling the fan may notice while listening to the album is that there is a multitude of bands playing the tracks. Kind of a compilation. “Spiders from Saigon” goes from the Heavy Rock oriented to Heavy Metal, from a 1980s Hard Rock to a modern Metal act that uses techno features. One possible explanation to all this diversity would be that the album took so many time to be recorded and this time took revealed the band’s changes. Or simple the creative and the will to change from the musicians. The second fits better, if you ask me.
In an album like this it gets too difficult to pick up only one track, or tracks, and give them a highlight. It would be fair enough to the band to talk about each track, but, of course, this is virtually impossible. So, I’ll pick up the tracks that sparked most my attention. Ok, then. At first while listening to “Voyage to Decay” I had the urge of taking it off the player when I heard the electronic effects of a techno song. However, as I always say, I give the bands some time to get myself into the band. This kind of mix is always perilous to whom dares to make it. In some way, Metal and techno aren’t compatible and can’t be melt. However, from this most unlook for mix there comes outcomes that really surprises. That what happened here. I dare to say that the combination Spiders from Saigon found here is just perfect. “Shattered Hearts” surprises by the guitars and vocalist Matt Adamson who uses lots of vocal techniques. Then comes “Static Colour” with a groovy funky – does that exist? – grip. The outcome is really delicious and the combination of power and groove fits perfectly.
“Spiders from Saigon” is an album that needs some quality time to be understood and appreciated. There are layers and layers of details in each track and each track is detail for itself.
Spiders From Saigon “S/T” was released on January 24th via Spiders From Saigon Records.
Track Listing:
- Voyage to Decay
- Holy Temptress
- Beyond Lock & Key
- Centrifuge
- Triptych
- Shattered Hearts
- Static Colour
- Roadkill Memoirs
- Dopers Odyssey
- Right Side of the Dirt
- Filth (In the Same Degree)
Watch “Static Colour” official video here:
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!