ANTHRAX: ”For All Kings’ Is The Most Metal Record We Have Made In A Long, Long Time’, Says Scott Ian


ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian recently sat down with Ireland’s Overdrive where they talked about band’s upcoming album “For All Kings”. An excerpt from the chat follows below.

Overdrive:  “‘For All Kings’ is due to be released early next year, can you talk about the reason behind the title of the record?”

Scott Ian: “The meaning to me for this title, is that everybody can be a king. Everybody can have control over their own lives, control over their destiny, just by growing up and becoming a responsible human being. I’m not necessarily saying that being a “king”, is being the boss in your relationship, or any relationship for that matter, a king of yourself is what I mean. Taking responsibility and ownership for your own s**t, is basically what it means to me.”

Overdrive: “How far back had the writing process begun for this album and is there any material on “For All Kings” which was written during that time period when Joey stepped in to re-recorded the “Worship Music” vocals?”

Scott Ian: “No, this didn’t really start until 2012. We were out on the road in America on the Mayhem Tour and then back over here (Europe) with Motorhead near the end of that year. Charlie (Benante, drums) stayed home from that tour, because that’s when his hand really started to become a problem, so that whole time he was home, he was working on the new material. Then in early 2013, when Frank (Bello, bass), Charlie and I got together in the jam room in my house, that’s when the official writing really started for this new album.”

Overdrive: “Is there anything that will be considered a surprise on this album or have you stuck to the trusted Anthrax formula?”

Scott Ian: “No, it’s just the most metal record we have made in a long, long time! It’s Anthrax, but with extra metal (laughs)! There is way more thrashy stuff and heavy stuff on this record, also it’s just way more riff heavy, if you know what I mean? It’s way more proggy! (laughs) I’m just  kidding, there is no prog on this album! Actually that was the original title of the album, we were just gonna call it ‘Prog” and have a circle with a line through it (laughs)! I like prog, I’m just f**king with you!

Seriously man all jokes aside, it’s not a Jazz album or anything less than what our fans and we collectively wanted to make. It’s a very heavy f**king record and that’s what we wanted to achieve.”

Entire interview can be found at this location.