LEMMY’s Ashes To Be Displayed Annually At BLOODSTOCK Festival

Lemmy Kilmister

Bloodstock, in collaboration with MOTÖRHEAD management, has announced the permanent commemoration of the iconic Lemmy Kilmister at the heavy metal festival.

A portion of Lemmy‘s ashes will find their eternal resting place at Bloodstock, making it one of the few locations worldwide to hold this honor. These ashes will be housed in a distinctive urn, with the festival commissioning a bust of Lemmy to incorporate them.

Fans will have the opportunity to pay homage to Lemmy and his enduring legacy at the RAM Gallery on the festival grounds. Following the event, the Lemmy bust will relocate to Nottingham’s Rock City venue, granting fans continued access to the ashes. Nevertheless, they will return annually to their primary residence at Bloodstock‘s revered grounds in Catton Park.

MOTÖRHEAD‘s manager Todd Singerman says: “Bloodstock has always been a special place for MOTÖRHEAD and for Lemmy. The people and the energy matched Lemmy‘s values perfectly. Alan and Vicky were also great friends and basically family of Lemmy, as he was the reason that they originally got together. This is definitely a fitting honor in the continuing series of enshrinements of Lemmy‘s ashes in his most loved places.”

Bloodstock‘s Vicky Hungerford adds: “We were humbled and honored to be approached by MOTÖRHEAD management to have Lemmy‘s ashes at BloodstockLemmy holds a very special place in everybody’s heart, but to myself and my husband he was the reason we met and fell in love. Nothing will mean more to us and the Bloodstock family than to honor his legacy and have Lemmy forever at Bloodstock.”

Lemmy passed away on 28 December 2015, four days after his 70th birthday, from prostate cancer, cardiac arrhythmia and congestive heart failure. According to the band, his cancer had only been diagnosed two days prior to his death.