TED NUGENT: ‘You Have To Have S**t For Brains To Believe This Global Warming Bulls**t’

Ted Nugent 2023

During the December 30 installment of his “Spirit Campfire” podcast, Ted Nugent expressed his skepticism towards the concept of climate change. Nugent vehemently dismissed the idea, stating that one would need an absurdly misguided mindset to believe in the “nonsense” of global warming.

In light of escalating global temperatures, resulting in heightened storm activity and severe weather events, scientists are emphasizing the urgent need for measures to combat climate change. This includes the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources.

However, Ted seems to overlook the significance of this issue, as he briefly touched upon climate change while primarily focusing on the current political landscape in America.

He said: “These are the best of the days. These are the worst of the days, but if you improvise, adapt and overcome and take good care of yourself, these can still be the best days… God, family, country, patriotism to the original founding fathers’ vision, not the current horror story that is the United States of America. It’s a horror story. Joe Biden is the devil. He has dismantled the American Dream.”

“Electric vehicles are a scam,” Ted continued. “You have to be mentally ill to believe in electric vehicles. You have to be a numbnut to believe that wind turbines are better than coal or oil or natural gas or propane. You have to have s**t for brains to believe this global warming bulls**t. If you believe it, you have s**t for brains. While you were sleeping, someone opened your skull and took a dump in your skull. You have s**t for brains.”

“The EV move is the rape of the environment,” he added. “The wind turbines are the rape of the environment and the rape of our tax dollars. The solar panels are the rape of agriculture, the rape of the environment, the rape of our tax dollars. If you believe the electric vehicle is the answer, you’re a rapist of the environment and of the American Dream.”