Not long after releasing his self-titled debut EP, singer-songwriter Ameslari performed in the city of Ribeirão Preto. The concert, named “Start”, marked the promotion of the EP’s release and happened at the Santarosa theatre on February 24th, 2018.
The show, which was recorded on video, really shows Ameslari’s live performance chops, and the opening track “Start” was the first to be officially uploaded to his YouTube channel. It was also the song that kick-started his career.
That song was what drove Ameslari to effectively begin his career. It was written on January 21st 2016 and talks about how people must chase their dreams and how they’re the ones who are supposed to make them happen.
Check out the live video for “Start” below:
The artist said about the event: “I remember feeling that day like I hadn’t had that much fun in ages. Being onstage singing my songs and covers of artists I love to a full theatre was something that brought me great joy. Obviously, looking back today, I feel I could’ve done some things better, but I think what remains for me and everyone else who was there is something quite positive”.