Bold bands have a thing on me. That I say. A band that stands in its press release that its debut album is a future classic has me in its hands. Well, high self-steem is everything, I guess.
As long as I hate to disagree with the press releases bands send me, I have to say it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, “Down the Mountainside” is a good album indeed, but, – so sorry – not a future classic. If my dear child of the night look “Down the Mountainside” with a fresh pair of eyes maybe the answer will be different. Just maybe.
Alright, Quantum define themselves as a Prog Rock band with many other references. That’s so true. Album tittle track “Down the Mountainside pt. 1” commences as some 1970’s ballad with the taste of Al Stewart to then shifts to a Yes driven song. Truth be told, I’m really simplifying things here. There are many other references in the song. Many of them from 1970’s Prog Rock with a strong taste of Yes. But it’s not it, there are other references as album welcomer “The Hivemind – The Cockroach” showcases. There is a dash of Metal music in it as the voice in the song addresses a lot to Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider. No, the song doesn’t address to Twister Sisters, only the vocals. No, it’s not only yet. “Moths Leaves” has some Jazz influences as well giving the song an interesting mood. I have to say the album is pretty varied with many unexpected influences that makes it very good to listen. The prowness Quantum showcase don’t make the album boring as some of their peers. Instead, it gives it some spice.
In short, “Down the Mountainside” is a good album for prog rockers and prog metallers. There are are really great songs here. Its 1970’s influences make the album very near bands as Genesis, ELP and Yes as my dear child of the night might have noticed. There are other elements that kind of update the music as some Metal guitar riffs as in “Abstract Bliss,” but it’s not going to be a future classic. So sorry.
Quantum “Down the Mountainside” was released on April 19th via Black Lodge Records.
Track Listing:
- The Hivemind – The Cockroach
- On the Verge
- Down the Mountainside pt. 1
- Moths Leaves
- Abstract Bliss
- Dots
- Down the Mountainside pt. 2
- The Last Stone
Watch official music video:
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!