DAVID DRAIMAN Says He Would ‘Gladly Serve Whatever Jail Time And Pay The Bail Necessary’ If He Could Get His Hands On ROGER WATERS

David Draiman Roger Waters

In a recent interview with Linda Advocate, David Draiman, the lead singer of DISTURBED and of Jewish descent, was asked about a purported “ongoing feud” with British rock musician and anti-Israel activist Roger Waters.

“He’s a piece of work, that deluded old freak,” David said. “Antisemitic to his rotten core. Just ask [his PINK FLOYD bandmate] David Gilmour and his wife — they’ll testify to it. He’s been that way for the duration of his life and the duration of his career. It’s nothing new. He’s a coward. He’s a hypocrite. He is a supporter of dictators and dictatorial regimes all over the world. He’s an apologist for Putin and apologist for anybody that’s on the wrong side of history. He’s a deluded wannabe-socialist as well.”

“Everything that he wrote about, everything that he professed to believe in that was so — even a maniac can create some great art, and it’s hard to argue with the level of artistry of, let’s say, a piece of work like [PINK FLOYD‘s] The Wall,” he continued. “But everything that he was trying to convey and express in that piece of art, he has shown himself to be a hypocrite for.

“I was already losing my mind with him years ago when he was flying around a pig in his stadiums with the [Jewish] Star Of David on it. The guy is a bully. And he wouldn’t even dare to engage with me. Because it’s not about logic and reasoning and facts and reality to people like him. It’s all about the narrative. It’s all about their hate-fueled antisemitic, just spite-filled narrative that they continue to fuel this narrative of demonization of our people, of the State of Israel, their inability to accept the fact that we even exist. He’s a monster.”

When the interviewer asked whether Draiman had ever met Waters in person, David replied: “Oh, I’d love to meet him in person. Nothing would make me happier. I’d gladly serve whatever jail time and pay the bail necessary for whatever I could get done within a very limited period of time.”

Waters has been frequently accused of antisemitism by Jewish organizations and authorities in the U.S., Europe, and Israel. He has often employed inflammatory rhetoric against Israel and has criticized performers who included the Jewish state in their tours.

Moreover, this past September, the Campaign Against Antisemitism unveiled the documentary titled The Dark Side of Roger Waters, alleging the musician’s involvement in antisemitic behavior.

Within the documentary, former PINK FLOYD producer Bob Ezrin alleged that Waters referred to the band’s manager, Bryan Morrison, as a “f***ing Jew,” while saxophonist Norbert Stachel accused the musician of rejecting “Jew food” and mocking his Jewish ancestors.

In response, Waters refuted the allegations, asserting: “I am not, and have never been, an antisemite – as anyone who really knows me will testify. I know the Jewish people to be a diverse, interesting, and complicated bunch, just like the rest of humanity. Many are allies in the fight for equality and justice, in Israel, Palestine and around the world.”