Deathwish – The Fourth Horseman Review

My dear child of the night who is used to the modern features of Metal these days might not understand this album. The dear child of the night used to the prowness and technical ecstasy of Metal instrumentals nowadays might not understand the downright and urgent instrumentals of “The Fourth Horseman” that Deathwish deliver to us. Acid vocals with so much anger mixed with Motörhead’s guitars spiced by a Hardcore intent isn’t to many of us. The simplicity of the guitar riffs in here is almost dazzling because there is very few places where it can be heard and appreciated.

“The Fourth Horseman” commences the same way it finishes, that would be, with a downright and straight ahead atittude. From head to toe, “In Cold Blood,” the warm-up track and “The Fourth Horseman,” the grand finale spread the same whiskey drenched message that is sent with high speed and high octained energy that tries to blow up the fans ears. Fast and furious guitar interventions with speed of light velocity of the drums with that Motörhead sense of making noise. It couldn’t get better. Well, Metal music isn’t about all this? I guess it is.

An album of senseless speed and power just the way we love. Enjoy.

Deathwish “The Fourth Horseman” was released on June 07th via Beer City Records.

  1. In Cold Blood
  2. Kings of the Road
  3. Rain Fire
  4. Aces and Eights
  5. Aftermatch
  6. Hell in My Head
  7. Mainline Rock’n’roll
  8. Bring down the Hammer
  9. Edge of the Knife
  10. The Fourth Horseman
