Fourth Version Of BATUSHKA, Called PAPUSHKA, Is Here!


Ah sh*t, here we go again.

Fourth version of BATUSHKA surfaced to take the throne!

Named PAPUSHKA, this one pays respect to former Pope Jan Paweł II.

Their album Барка is available for purchase at Bandcamp.

Lat month, third version of BATUSHKA has stepped in, spelled BATYUSHKA, since they say this is how name should be correctly spelled.

They released the debut album, Батюшка, on September 12 and is available on Bandcamp.

This is what the band had to say along with they release: “A true БАТЮШКА band formed by the orthodox priests from Russia. We are not some bunch of larping posers, but true christians comparing to some fake larpers who can’t even spell the name correctly. We stand against satatanism or mockery of our christian religion in any form.