I remember to have reviewed an album that I dare to claim to be very near the opera. I remember to say that Metal is the most updated version of opera we have these days. Well, I was not wrong. This feeling came again when listening to Maestus “Deliquesce” which happens to be a very different band with different music, but still, do sound like opera. Let me explain it better to you. First of all has only four tracks and they are all within the eleven-minute average. Title track, “Deliquesce,” opens up with a delicate and picturesque piano and keyboard sequences which drive the listener attention to expect the grand and pompous music. Those expectations are satisfied when the Metal section of the song happens with a grand coming of slow guitar chords and a resounding drumming. Then, comes the voice; a somber, exquisite, harsh, and gutted to bring out a very different expectation. Just like the opera does. In the middle of it, when we were getting used with the atmosphere, the vibe changes at all with again a slow and pompous piano in a more picturesque playing than the beginning working as a two-minute long bridge to the second somber part of the song. Maestus really know how the meaning of the word somber by having two different darkish voices in a kind of duel. The song goes on in a grand cadence to speed up a little in the end as the expected grand finale.
Here we have a band that knows how to deal with some delicate opera features using them on Metal music which also a style of grandness. It’s the perfect match. Maestus deal with a bunch of emotions that opera deals very well. They really know to present a song and make it grand and pompous. The drums are skillfully used to feature the passages of cadence and tempos and to present unbreakly the following parts of the songs. Besides giving more strength to Maestus’s music. Drummer CC uses few notes, but they are very well-put. Here and there we have pianos and keyboard to reinforce the picturesque and ambient music Maestus desire to pass on. As in an opera, leading instruments – maybe the voice, the piano, the keyboards, whatever – do the part of storytellers.
“Deliquesce” is an album to be slowly delighted in a cold and rainy day.
Maestus “Deliquesce” will be released on February 18th via Aural Music.
Track Listing:
- Deliquesce
- Black Oake
- The Impotence of Hope
- Knell of Solenity
Watch “Deliquesce” video here:
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!