Restaurant Owner Kicks Out Goth Girl Shouting ‘Get The F* Out Of My Building In The Name of Jesus Christ’

An astonishing video broke out the other day. Blondie guitarist Chris Stein shared the images at his Twitter account. However, the video has turned out viral at Reddit a few time ago. In the video the ‘religious’ owner of Kevin TortorellaMaine-ly Lobstah e Boston’s Baddest Burgers kicks out and threatens a goth girl from his restaurant.

Totally out out from his mind the man shouts:

“God bless you f* moron. Tape away, girl. Tape away. Yeah, yeah, God bless you and f* Satan, lady. God bless Jesus Christ you f* demonic b*. Get out of my f* building”

The man also tells someone to call the cops.

The girl is already out of theplace when the man comes from again telling all sorts of things and she replies:

“Why am I a demonic b*?”

And goes on :

“I look goddamn good”

Pages as TripAdvisor and Yelp shows that his restaurants don’t have a good service and that he often curses his clients as we all can see here. Many people in the net stood by the girl and shared their own experiences at the restaurants.