What if, just what if, would there be a band that joins Running Wild’s piracy years with their iconography with the classic Rhapsody’s sonancy with all their medieval influences topped with their Power Metal galore? Could you dare to think of a most unusual combination? Well, I could. Wait no more my child of the night! This band exists! Here I present you my dear child of the night Red Rum with “Book of Legends” the missing link among both bands with some generous doses of rum. No, I’m not kidding. Just take a look at album welcomer and tittle track “Book of Legends'” speech and the background epic instrumentals. An unadvised fan may confuse album with it mainly with the ode to be drunk “Drunk and Disorderly.” Tankard’s lyrics might be addressed here as well, but the instrumentals are pure Rhapsody. Except here the rum takes the place of the beer. At least this is one of the most exciting and enthusiastic album of the year. What some doses of rum can do, huh?
Metal meets the fun of drinking and the pirate years is old news. Some bands have sailed that sea some time ago. The news here is the excitement Red Rum deliver the fan. “Book of Legends” takes the best part of all the bands I aforementioned to be an album full os adrenaline. Metal music misses some fun, that’s true. When I say the album is a Running Wild meet classic Rhapsody I’m not kidding at all. It’s easier to quote some well known bands than explain all the musical theory behind each note in a album. My dear fan can get it better when I compare bands. Technically, it’s possible to say that the album is a fuse of Folk Metal with epic Power Metal. “Liar’s Dice” explains it much better than me I guess. I praise all the emotion Red Rum deliver here. I also have to praise the prowness of the band in tracks as “Rekt.” Not only, but also in all the album the neat production and instrumentals. The guys took it seriously thought the mood. Metal doesn’t have to be serious all the time.
Red Rum “Book of Legends” will be released on April 14th via Trollzorn.
Track Listing:
- Book of Legends
- Drunk and Disorderly
- 50 Gallons of Ale
- We Pirates
- Liar’s Dice
- Greatest Drink (In All The Land)
- Rekt
- Captain’s Command
- Drunken Pirates (Ahoy!)
- Make Port Drink Port
Watch “Greatest Drink (In All The Land)” official lyric video here:
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!