“Dusk” is the debut EP album from the Irish band Third Island. Although the band is considerably new, as it was formed in 2015, there are a lot of echoes from 1990’s from the shoegazed vocals to the deep opaque repetitive guitar tunes. No problem with that at all as I strongly believe that metal bands build their identity from their beloved ones that came before them.
Their three songs, which are a bit long, about 10 minutes each, create an atmosphere of pain and despair boosted by the slow tempo structures, full of distorted fingering guitars and the calm and still drumming. Into “Dusk”, the lyrics express a blend of despair, loneliness and sadness in dark shots of reality. By dark I don’t mean obscure, I mean just earthily issues as this so human feeling of being blue. The fear intended here is not of the supernatural, but from day-by-day tasks such as having no one that understand you or not having faith in better days. A cheer to the cover art! The foggy view of the city makes you remind immediately the contents of the lyrics!
Well then, in a way, I can’t say Third Island is a grunge band, but that they really got their spirit, I really can tell that! That’s only my opinion, and as far as I know diverge completely from the reviews I read, but that’s the reason why we write different reviews. It is meaningless to write a thousand of reviews just about the same old thing! Or opinion!
You can stream Third Island “Dusk” via Bandcamp or via Youtube bellow.
Track listing:
- Thawed My Skin
- Come Now
- It’s Moving
I’m just a lucky guy who has chosen metal to live with for a long time. Metal changed my life for good. It made me more confident and stronger. Metalheads are naturally far away from the mass mediocrity and don’t accept impostures from anybody else. Metal is more than music, it’s a life changing oportunity!